map: rhine2 longname: Rhine Bridge 2 Briefing: 1945, Southern Germany. Allied forces are trying to cross the Rhine river at the last functional bridge. Axis forces are struggling to keep the from crossing, if the Allied forces succeed it may be the turning point of the war Allied: Primary: - Get the Rhine bridge constructed and move the Allied forces over the bridge and into the bunker - Build the commandpost - Prevent the Axis from building a commandpost - Destroy the Bunker door - Destroy the Cave boulder to open another passage to the other side - Capture the Forward Spawn flag Axis: Primary: - Defend the bridge at all costs, dont let the enemy pass the bunker door - Build the commandpost - Prevent the Allies from building a commandpost - Prevent the Allies from destroying the Bunker door - Prevent the Allies from destroying the Cave boulder - Capture the Forward Spawn flag