map: flughafen longname: Flughafen (other name is "Fliegerhorst" from map pack: v1_drakir.pk3) Briefing: 1945, Southern Germany. Axis forces have developed a very poison gas that they plan on releasing over the enemy by air. Allied forces have found the hiding place and secured the gas, but can they hold it. Safest way to be sure is to destroy the airplane that the Axis forces are planing to use for the gas release Allied: Primary: - Destroy the plane - Steal the tank and destroy the plane - Prevent the Axis from building a commandpost - Dont let them get the Gas tanks from the Truck - Move the tank - Build the Commandpost - Capture the Forward Spawn flag Axis: Primary: - Get the Poison gas to the plane - Stop the Allies from stealing the Tank - Prevent the Allies from building a commandpost - Build the tank barriers - Build the Commandpost - Capture the Forward Spawn flag