map: et_village longname: Village Briefing: Allied forces are attempting to retrieve and escape with gold stolen from the Axis-occupied village. Allies: Primary: - Gain access to the Gold inside the Cemetary's Crypt! - Steal the Gold, from inside the Crypt - Escape with the Gold to the waiting Truck in the Village! Secondary: - Capture the Northwest Courtyard - Establish a forward Command Post at the Northwest Courtyard - Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post in the Northwest Courtyard Axis: Primary: - Defend the Cemetary's Crypt! - Prevent the Allies from stealing the gold! - Stop the Allies from escaping to the waiting Truck in the Village Secondary: - Hold the Northwest Courtyard - Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post at the Northwest Courtyard - Set up a Command Post inside the Northwest Courtyard